Friday, 10 March 2017

Oracle SOA suite 12.2.1- Composite Instance Patching

Oracle SOA Suite 12c (12.2.1) supports Composite Instance Patching, which enables you to patch running instances of a composite and recover faulted instances after patching the runtime. You can only include those fixes in the patch that are compatible with Composite Instance Patching. Use the SOA Patch Developer role in Oracle JDeveloper to make the fixes and create the patch.
Composite Instance Patching enables you to deliver urgent composite fixes that can be picked up by long running instances. You can make compatible/allowed changes without aborting in-flight instances. If a patched running instance comes across a business process that has been fixed by the patch, say a BPEL transformation, then it picks up the fixes applied to the business process.

When designing the patch, the SOA Patch Developer mode in JDeveloper automatically disables changes that cannot be made to the patch. Some of the compatible changes that you can make include:
·         Non-schema related XSLT changes, changes to fault policy, sensor data, and analytics data.
·         Compatible BPEL changes such as transformation activity, assign operations, etc.
·         JCA Adapter configuration properties.
You do not specify any composite version during deployment. The composite revision that you create the patch for, in Oracle JDeveloper, is the composite revision to which the patch is deployed.

You can validate the patch before deploying.

SOA Patch Developer Mode in JDeveloper

Use the SOA Patch Developer mode in Oracle JDeveloper to create a patch, containing fixes, for your deployed composite. The patch created in this mode can be applied to the currently deployed composite without changing the version number of the deployed composite. You can apply the patch to runtime even if the composite has running instances.
To use the SOA Patch Developer mode in JDeveloper:
  • If you already have your project open in JDeveloper, you need to switch to the SOA Patch Developer mode. Select Tools > Switch Roles > SOA Patch Developer from the Oracle JDeveloper menu bar

Click OK to restart JDeveloper.
If you do not have Oracle JDeveloper open, start JDeveloper and select the SOA Patch Developer role in the Select Role dialog.

After JDeveloper starts in the SOA Patch Developer mode, you’d notice that the composite editor has the SOA Patch mode label. This reminds you that you can only make edits that are compatible with the patch mode.

Also, when you are editing a BPEL component, for example, the BPEL editor has the Patch mode label.

Only certain activities in the BPEL process are available for editing, the rest of them appear in gray. Also, notice that the Components window shows only those components that are available for use in the SOA Patch Developer mode. A number of properties appear in read-only mode.

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Oracle SOA suite 12.2.1- Integration Workload Statistics (IWS)

Integration Workload Statistics (IWS) Reports provide SOA system-wide reports that can help you analyze utilization, identify potential bottlenecks and backlogs, and perform top-down analysis of your integration system.
So, for instance, if there are stressed components or endpoints in your SOA system that are slowing down the system, IWS reports can help you narrow down on these. For example, a slow FTP or database adapter reference endpoint can be identified in the reports. Likewise, a BPEL process running slower than usual can also be identified. You can look at internal queue backlogs, like BPEL queues and EDN queues. SOA composite-wise summaries are also available.

IWS reports can include metrics like system resource usage, composite statistics, statistics for internal system queues, statistics for synchronous and asynchronous business processes, and endpoint statistics. The components supported in this release include BPEL Service Engine, EDN, Web Service Binding, File Adapter, JMS Adapter, FTP Adapter, DB Adapter, AQ Adapter, and MQ adapter.

Statistics Included in an IWS Report

An Integration Workload Statistics (IWS) report contains various statistics, depending on the data collection level that you have set. In addition to system-wide resource usage data, the report can include service and reference endpoint statistics, BPEL and EDN backup queue statistics, and BPEL instance statistics. Statistics on BPEL activities may also be included.
The IWS report contains the following broad sections when the data collection level is set to finest:

·         System Resource Usage: Statistics include Java Virtual Machine (JVM) statistics like CPU utilization and memory utilization (for JVM heap and non-heap memory), SOA Data Source statistics that show active connections and connection pool details, and SOA Work Manager statistics that include details on threads.
       ·         Composite (Rollup) Statistics: Aggregate composite-wise statistics that indicate flow rate          (throughput/transactions per second) and latency (in milliseconds) for the composite endpoints and internal   backup queues (EDN and BPEL queue).
       ·         Slowest Composite Endpoints: Aggregate composite-wise statistics that indicate the latency (in milliseconds) and flow rate (throughput) for the slowest endpoints.
       ·         Backups in Internal Queues: Aggregate statistics for the backups in internal system queues (BPEL queue and EDN queue).
      ·         Longest Running Business Processes: Aggregate statistics for top asynchronous and synchronous business (BPEL) process instances based on execution time
      ·         Most Time-Consuming Business Process Activities: Aggregate statistics for top business process activities (BPEL activities like Receive, Invoke, etc) based on execution time.

Enabling and Configuring IWS

Integration Workload Statistics (IWS) snapshot data is collected at periodic intervals. You can enable snapshot data collection, configure snapshot interval, and the granularity of data collected.
 Use the following steps to enable and configure IWS using Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control:
1. Select Monitoring > IWS Reports from the SOA Infrastructure menu.
                The IWS Reports page appears.
2. Click Configure near the top right corner of the page.
               The Configure IWS Data Collection dialog appears.
3. Select a Snapshot Interval in minutes.
               The snapshot interval is the periodic interval at which data snapshots are collected.
4. Select a Data Collection Level. The level selected determines the metrics that are collected.
                The default level is OFF, which in effect disables IWS data collection. Use the Minimum level to collect only system-wide resource usage data. The Basic level additionally includes service and reference endpoint statistics, BPEL and EDN backup queue statistics, and BPEL instance statistics. If you choose Normal, it includes additional statistics on BPEL activities like Receive, Invoke, Pick, and onMessage. The Finest level additionally includes data on all BPEL activities.
5. Click OK to save your configuration changes.
               You have now configured the IWS data collection settings.
Generating an IWS Report
Use the IWS Reports page to create SOA-wide reports that help you identify bottlenecks and backlogs in the system. Integration Workload Statistics (IWS) include metrics like system resource usage, composite statistics, statistics for internal system queues, statistics for synchronous and asynchronous business processes, and endpoint statistics.
Use the following steps to create an IWS report in Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control:
You must have already configured IWS data collection and set a snapshot interval.

1. Select Monitoring > IWS Reports from the SOA Infrastructure menu.
The IWS Reports page appears.
2. Select the period for which you wish to generate a report. Select timestamps for Start Date and End Date.
Ensure that the time period does not span server restarts, or periods where you have disabled IWS by setting Data Collection Level to OFF.
3. Select the SOA Server Name.
You can either accept the default server, or choose a different node in cases of multi-cluster environments. For clusters, you can also choose the cluster name to generate a consolidated report for all nodes in the cluster.
(Optional) Enter the result of the step here.
4. Optionally choose a partition name if you are using composite partitions and wish to limit your report to a particular partition.
The Select Composites field appears. This option enables you to select from all composites in the selected partition.
5. Under Select Composites, optionally choose one or more composite names to restrict your report to the specified composite applications.
6. Optionally change the number of results that are displayed.
So, if you choose the default of 10, the 10 slowest endpoints, the 10 longest running business processes, and so on, are selected.
7. Click the appropriate report format near the top right of the window to generate and download the report.
You can choose between CSV (comma-separated values), HTML, and XML formats.

The IWS report is generated and downloaded.

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Oracle SOA suite 12.2.1- Resiliency or Circuit Breaker

I feel its a great feature to add in Oracle SOA suite. Here it is..

Whenever your end system URL is not working you will not until you test that composite. If you know that by running the service while business is in critical. Resiliency feature will showcase what URL's are UP and how many or not actually down before running those composites meanwhile we can fix the issues and get the business up to speed.

Resiliency or Circuit Breaker enables you to configure the system to automatically suspend upstream endpoints when a downstream endpoint is down in a SOA composite. This prevents fault buildup in the server and relieves you from having to bulk-recover faulted instances. The upstream endpoints are automatically resumed after the downstream endpoint comes back.
Enable Resiliency (Circuit Breaker) globally by configuring it at the SOA Infrastructure level. Once enabled, all downstream endpoints are monitored in all composites. If a downstream endpoint experiences errors that exceed the threshold, specified by you in the Resiliency configuration settings, then the upstream endpoints for that downstream endpoint are automatically suspended. So, for example, if a Reference file adapter fails to write to the directory, the upstream web service can be automatically suspended. The system will periodically check if the downstream file adapter is back, and re-enable the web service when the adapter comes back.
The following types of upstream endpoints can be automatically suspended:
·         Web Service: Incoming requests are rejected for the duration that the Web service is suspended.
·         Adapters: JMS, AQ, DB, File and FTP adapters can be automatically suspended in this release.
·         EDN Subscribers: The EDN subscriber closest to the downstream endpoint gets suspended.
Viewing and Resuming Suspended Services
·         Services suspended as a result of Resiliency kicking in appear on the SOA Infrastructure Dashboard page, under the Resiliency — Suspended Services section.

The Resiliency settings take care of automatically resuming any suspended service when the downstream endpoint comes back up.

There are additional steps to configure the Resiliency in Oracle EM/Console in Oracle SOA suite 12.2.1

Please refer Oracle documentation for more information.

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What’s NEW in oracle SOA suite 12.2.1

New Certifications for supported platforms
Look & Feel of Enterprise Manager- It’s all new EM
JCA adapter for Siebel -  Explained in another blog post please Click here

Operational enhancements
            Resiliency: Circuit Breaker- More info Click here
            Integration Workload Statistics (IWS). Watch the IWS Video for more information.
            Composite Instance Patching - More info Click here
            In-Memory SOA - More info Click here
            Automatic Service Migration (ASM): a service fails over from an unavailable managed server to an already executing managed server.

End-to-End Native REST and JavaScript in SOA composites and Service Bus pipelines
            JavaScript activity in BPEL
            JavaScript action in Service Bus
            Handle/route any REST content type
            Access XML elements easily
            Native REST/JSON support for connecting JSON to JSON
            JavaScript used for expressions/conditions
            Converted, Typed and Un-typed REST Supported
            XSLT Debugger - More info Click here
            Conditional Breakpoints- More info Click here
            Exception Breakpoints
            New Oracle Standard Charts
            Custom Function Support for Alerts & KPIs
            SOA/BPM Process Analytics Dashboards v2
            Parameter Support in Custom Functions
            Performance Enhancements
Oracle Managed File Transfer - More info Click here
            New/improved endpoints for WebCenter, OPC Storage Cloud Service and Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)
            New APIs such as transfer creations, bulk resubmit, status, REST/SOAP run job events.
            Transfer Priorities
            Additional PGP encryption cipher options.
            Transfer life cycle management configuration plans.
Oracle B2B
            New features including PGP support, endpoint cloning and FIPS compliance.
            New T2P tools for automated cloning and promotion.
            A number of performance and resiliency improvements including features such as endpoint throttling.

Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration
            New features including support for PGP, performance and scale enhancements.
            Additional messaging patterns such as sync request-reply over MLLP.
            Custom acknowledgments for non HL7 messaging over MLLP.
            End point cloning.

            Several enhancements in the area of life cycle management such as start up, recovery, resubmit and retry.

Happy Learning...!!!!!!!!!!!! Fun Sharing.........!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Oracle Managed File transfer in one shot..!

Oracle Managed File Transfer lets you perform the following operations during the transfer process:
·         Scheduling
·         Resubmitting
·         Attaching inline or referencing
·         Compression and decompression
·         Encryption and decryption
·         Archiving, renaming, and deletion
·         Purging transfer instances and files
·         Pausing and resuming

Oracle Managed File Transfer lets you track and troubleshoot file deliveries (transfer instances) based on the following:
·         Success, frequency, and failure statistics
·         Metrics, recent errors, file finder, and active deliveries
·         Error information table
·         Active delivery progress table
·         Reports for individual deliveries

Oracle Managed File Transfer lets you transfer files to and from many endpoint types:
·         File and FTP based endpoint types:
·         File: Transfer files from or to directories accessible to the Oracle Managed File Transfer server.
·         FTP Embedded: Transfer files from the embedded MFT FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or FTPS (FTP with Secure Socket Layer) server by copying the file into one of the embedded server directories.
·         sFTP Embedded: Transfer files from the embedded sFTP (Secure Shell FTP or SSH-FTP) server by copying the file into one of the embedded server directories.
·         FTP Remote: Transfer files from or to a remote FTP or FTPS server.
·         sFTP Remote: Transfer files from or to a remote sFTP server.
·          SOAP web-services based endpoint types:
·         SOAP: Transfer files from or to Simple Object Access Protocol web service endpoints inline or by reference to a folder location.
·         SOA: Transfer files from or to Oracle SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) web service endpoints.
·         Service Bus (OSB): Transfer files from or to Oracle Service Bus web service endpoints.
·         ODI: Transfer files from or to Oracle Data Integrator web service endpoints.
·         B2B based endpoint types:
·         B2B: Transfer files from or to Oracle B2B (Business to Business) trading partners.
·         Healthcare: Transfer files from or to Oracle B2B for Healthcare endpoints.
Oracle Managed File Transfer is especially good for
·         Transfer of large files limited in size only by the operating system and capacity of the file system.
·         Transfer from a single source with fan-out to many targets.
·         Detailed auditing and recording of all transfers.
·         Advanced security for transfers.
·         Advanced transfer management, such as restart and pause/resume.
·         Use of an embedded FTP or sFTP server.
Oracle SOA Suite is especially good for:
·         Orchestration or complex integration, such as fan-in from multiple sources.
·         Integration with enterprise systems such as messaging or ERP.
·         Manual tasks, content based routing, or transformations.
B2B is especially good for:
·         Scenarios in which document format is relevant (for example, HL7, EDI, and so on).
·         Scenarios in which additional semantics, such as AS2, are required.

Designers: Designers perform these tasks:
  • Create, read, update and delete file transfer sources.
  • Create, read, update and delete file transfer targets.
  • Create, read, update and delete transfers, which link sources and targets in file delivery flows.
  • Deploy and test transfers.

Monitors: Monitors perform these tasks

·         Use the Dashboard and reports to ensure that transfer instances are successful.
·         Pause and resume lengthy transfers.
·         Troubleshoot errors and resubmit transfers.
·         View artifact deployment details and history.
·         View artifact dependency relationships.
·         Enable and disable sources, targets, and transfers.
·         Undeploy sources, targets, and transfers.
·         Start and stop embedded FTP and sFTP servers.

Administrators: Administrators perform these tasks:

·         All file handler tasks
·         All designer tasks
·         All monitor tasks
·         Add other users and determine their roles
·         Configure user directory permissions
·         Configure the Oracle Managed File Transfer server
·         Configure embedded FTP and sFTP servers, including security
·         Configure B2B and Healthcare domains
·         Backup and restore the Oracle Managed File Transfer configuration
·         Purge transferred files and instance data
·         Archive and restore instance data and payloads
·         Import and export metadata

The top-level pages are:
·         Designer: Use this page to create, modify, delete, rename, and deploy sources, targets, and transfers.
·         Monitoring: Use this page to monitor transfer statistics, progress, and errors. You can also use this page to disable, enable, and undeploy transfer deployments and to pause, resume, and resubmit instances.
·         Administration: Use this page to manage the Oracle Managed File Transfer configuration, including embedded server configuration.

Source Types

·         FTP Embedded
·         sFTP Embedded
·         FTP Remote
·         sFTP Remote
·         File
·         SOAP Web Service
·         SOA
·         Service Bus
·         B2B
·         Healthcare
·         ODI

Target Types

·         FTP Remote
·         sFTP Remote
·         File
·         SOAP
·         SOA
·         Service Bus
·         B2B
·         Healthcare
·         ODI

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