Hi Guys
Here am going to
explain about jms servers, jms modules, connection factory, persistent store, queue &
how to
create ..Sample one...
Persistent Store:- It is a physical location for a queue to store its messages.
There are two types of persistent stores
1.Database persistent store
2.File persistent store
JMS Module:-A JMS module is a definition which contains JMS resources such as
queues and topics. A JMS module is required in order to create a JMS queue.
Subdeployment:-JMS modules are targeted to one or more WLS
instances or a cluster. Resources within a JMS module, such as queues and
topics are also targeted to a JMS server or WLS server instances. A
subdeployment is a grouping of targets. It is also known as advanced targeting.
Connection Factory:-A connection factory is a resource that enables
JMS clients to create connections to JMS destinations.
JMS Queue:-A JMS queue (as opposed to a JMS topic) is a point-to-point
destination type. A message is written to a specific queue or received from a
specific queue.
The objects used in this example are:
how to create ..Sample one...
Persistent Store:- It is a physical location for a queue to store its messages.
There are two types of persistent stores
1.Database persistent store
2.File persistent store
Connection Factory:-A connection factory is a resource that enables
JMS clients to create connections to JMS destinations.
JMS Queue:-A JMS queue (as opposed to a JMS topic) is a point-to-point
destination type. A message is written to a specific queue or received from a
specific queue.
JMS Server
JMS Module
Connection Factory
JMS Queue
1.1. Create "Persistent Store"
Console -->Services-->Persistent store-->New-->File Store.
1.Go to "Domain structure" and click on Persistent stores under Services.
2. Click on NEW and select Create FileStore. 3. Give FileStore name , Target n Directory click OK.
4.Persistent store is created.
The following steps are done in the WebLogic Server Console, beginning with the left-hand navigation menu.
Services > Messaging
> JMS Servers
Select New
Name: TestJMSServer
Persistent Store: (none)
Persistent Store: (none)
Target: soa_server1 (or
choose an available server)
The JMS server should now be visible in the list with Health OK.
Services > Messaging
> JMS Modules
Select New
Name: TestJMSModule
Leave the other options empty
Leave the other options empty
Targets: soa_server1 (or
choose the same one as the JMS server)
Press Next
Press Next
Leave “Would you like to
add resources to this JMS system module” unchecked and press Finish .
A subdeployment is not necessary for the JMS queue to work, but it
allows you to easily target subcomponents of the JMS module to a single target
or group of targets. We will use the subdeployment in this example to target
the following connection factory and JMS queue to the JMS server we created
Services > Messaging
> JMS Modules
Select TestJMSModule
Select the Subdeployments tab
and New
Subdeployment Name: TestSubdeployment
Press Next
Here you can select the
target(s) for the subdeployment. You can choose either Servers (i.e. WebLogic
managed servers, such as the soa_server1) or JMS Servers such as the JMS Server
created earlier. As the purpose of our subdeployment in this example is to
target a specific JMS server, we will choose the JMS Server option.
Select the TestJMSServer created earlier
Select the TestJMSServer created earlier
Press Finish
Services > Messaging
> JMS Modules
Select TestJMSModule and
press New
Select Connection
Factory and Next
Name: TestConnectionFactory
JNDI Name: jms/TestConnectionFactory
Leave the other values at default
JNDI Name: jms/TestConnectionFactory
Leave the other values at default
On the Targets page,
select the Advanced Targeting button and select TestSubdeployment
Press Finish
The connection factory should be listed on the following page with
TestSubdeployment and TestJMSServer as the target.
Services > Messaging
> JMS Modules
Select TestJMSModule and
press New
Select Queue and Next
Name: TestJMSQueue
JNDI Name: jms/TestJMSQueue
Template: None
Press Next
JNDI Name: jms/TestJMSQueue
Template: None
Press Next
Subdeployments: TestSubdeployment
The TestJMSQueue should be listed on the following page with
TestSubdeployment and TestJMSServer.
Confirm the resources for the TestJMSModule. Using the Domain
Structure tree, navigate to soa_domain > Services > Messaging > JMS
Modules then select TestJMSModule
You should see the following resources
1.7 Create outbound connection for a connection factory:-
Console --> Deployments -->JmsAdapter-->Configuration-->Outbound connection pool.
click on new and select oracle.tip.adapter.jms.IJmsConnectionFactory
Give JNDI Name , click on e Finish.
Go to the newlay created Outbound connection properties and enter the JMS Module --Connection factory JNDI in the ConnectionFactoryLocation hit Enter Save.
Goto Deployements and select jmsadapter ear and update the plan file.
The JMS queue is now complete and can be accessed using the JNDI
jms/TestConnectionFactory and
WoW..Done ..Now you are familiar with JMS servers, Modules, connection factory, queue(topic same as queue)
Happy Learning..........!!!!
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